Sunday, August 2, 2020 Text: James 1:1-4 Title: The Fruit of Endurance Proposition: In James 1:2-4, we’re going to see three mindsets regarding trials we must have if we are going to become mature believers. (Potential cross-references are included in parentheses after each point.) Background of James: (John 7:3-5; 1 Corinthians 15:5-7; Acts 12:17; Galatians 2:9; Acts 15:13; 15:19; Galatians 1:19; Acts 11:19; * First Mindset: Trials are an occasion for joy (v.2). (Acts 26:2; Hebrews 11:26; Philippians 3:8; Luke 10:30; Acts 27:41; John 11:33-35) * Second Mindset: God has a purpose in my trials (v.3). * Third Mindset: Trials are God’s pathway for my maturity (v.4). Study Guide Questions: * What do you remember about James? What do you remember about James’ audience or his purpose for writing? * It’s always easy to move past the first verse of an epistle. What kind of Master is Jesus? What kind of slave have you been? How do you want to grow in your submission? * When have you overzealously encouraged a suffering saint to apply theology to their circumstance while failing to be sympathetic? How and when do you appropriately balance sympathy, encouragement and exhortation? * In James 1:2, when James calls upon the saints to consider the encountering of trials as joy, how does understanding the meaning of the word consider help us fulfill this command? Do you think James expects this command to be shocking? * In James 1:3, what did James expect his readers to know about trials? * When has a trial refined your faith and produced endurance in your life? * What are some synonyms for endurance? What is endurance characterized by? What is endurance not? * In James 1:4, what is the result of endurance? * What is a perfect and complete saint like? Write a few references to passages that describe aspects of maturity. What aspects of maturity are you eager to see God cultivate in your life? * In this life, we will never become perfect, sinless Christians; but we can become productive and fruitful Christians, fulfilling our purpose. How can this passage help you endure unto maturity? * After studying James 1:2-4, why can trials be considered all joy? * From James 1:2-4, prepare a sentence for the next time you encounter a trial: “I will consider this trial total joy because… “ * How have you been seeking to apply James 1:2-4 in your current trials? Have you seen optimism in God’s purpose replacing pessimism in your situation? * How have you seen God use trials to mature you in the past?