

May 3, 2024
"I do not pretend to see through the mystery of such [God's] visitations [moments of suffering], wherein God calls away the young, the promising, and those sorely needed for his service here; but this I do know and feel, that, in the light of such [times], it becomes us all to love and serve our blessed Lord Jesus so that we may be ready at his call for death and eternity.” - John Paton
March 10, 2024
Psalm 67
I want to encourage and challenge and excite you about the mission God’s given us as a church by helping you understand God’s plan for Israel.
May 7, 2023
Akani Hlungwane and his wife were part of our church in Pretoria for many years and now are being sent out to plant a church in a village in Limpopo, South Africa. I think you will appreciate hearing his testimony and how God has called him from being an engineer to becoming a church planter. You’ll learn a little more about South Africa and the challenges of serving Jesus there and be encouraged and motivated by how local churches can play a part in raising up and sending out leaders to impact the world for Jesus.
August 20, 2022
Matthew 6
Some questions to consider while listening: - What is the goal of this message? - What two approaches to life is Jesus comparing and contrasting throughout the Sermon on the Mount? - What are three examples of the standard religious approach? - What does Jesus mean when he says you therefore must be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect and how does this help us understand the Sermon on the Mount? - We may know it is right to live an undivided life and to seek first the kingdom of God, but sometimes we think it is so hard and risky and that calls to live like this are such a burden. How does the introduction and ending to the Sermon on the Mount challenge that way of thinking? - How do verses 19-21 connect with verses 1-18 and verses 22-34 of chapter 6? - Jesus lays out two different ways to live life in verses 19-21. What are these two different ways? - What is he trying to show about laying up for yourselves treasures in heaven? - What are the two basic presuppositions that are essential for understanding the argument Jesus is making? - What are the four reasons why living a divided life is such a foolish choice according to Matthew 6? - What do you need to do if you are going lay up treasures in heaven and live an undivided life?