On Sunday, February 16, due to our concurrent church retreat, we will only have one worship service in Fullerton at 10:30 AM.
Jesus Comes First
Our church is not first about us—it’s about Jesus.
God has a plan to display His greatness by solving all the problems of the universe, and that plan is not first about what we can do for Him, but instead about what He has done, is doing, and will do to glorify Himself through His Son, Jesus Christ.
We are not the hero, He is.
Our Mission
In spite of all the terrible things we see all around us, there is hope because of what God has done and will do through Jesus.
We exist to tell people about this hope!
We are here to deliver a message from God about Jesus and to show the difference that message makes in our lives and relationships.
Podcast: A Few Minutes with a Puritan
A note from Pastor Joshua:
“I know sometimes reading books from a few hundred years ago can be difficult. But I personally have been so encouraged by the way these authors help us meditate on the Scripture and the Christian life, put Jesus and His glory on display, and help us live as citizens of heaven here on earth.
“So I am slowly reading through some really helpful old books on the Christian life and making comments and applications which I think could be beneficial to others in the church.”

News / updates

  1. Weekly Newsletter | February 9, 2025

    Administrator // February 8

  2. Weekly Newsletter | February 2, 2025

    Administrator // January 31

  3. Weekly Newsletter | January 26, 2025

    Administrator // January 24


Upcoming events

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Sermon Audio

  1. Let Us Hold Fast

    Hebrews 10:19-25
    Joshua Mack //

  2. A Singular Delight

    Hebrews 10:19-25
    Joshua Mack //
