We believe that prayer is not just another “ministry” of the church but rather, the very breath of our church (1 Thess. 5:17). We believe that prayer connects us to the unseen reality of God’s Spirit at work all around us and that prayer connects us to the very power of God. In this life, we live under the illusion that we have control over the events of our lives. But when we come before the Lord in prayer and see all the prayer requests of people and their needs, it’s really overwhelming. And it’s good to feel overwhelmed because this is reality -- that we are dependent; we are needy; and we need to come before our all powerful, all good, sovereign God for His help to commune with Him and be reminded of His love for us.
So we believe that prayer is not one more activity of the church but we believe that it lies at the heart of all the church’s ministry. Unfortunately, the reality of our busy lives prevents us from coming together to pray more often. But our heart is that prayer, both individual and corporate prayer, should be like breathing; we cannot live without it in our Christian life.
At CBC, there are two ways you can participate in the corporate prayer life of our church:
This team is made up of members who have committed themselves to praying for CBC and CBC members for at least 1 hour/week. This is so that there will be real-time prayers being lifted up for any prayer request submitted to the Prayer Team. Please contact Hyon Seo at hyonseomd@gmail.com if you wish to be a part of the CBC Prayer Team.
Sundays, 11-11:30am in the Wood Floor room. Everyone is invited to join in as we gather and pray for our church, missionaries, and specific members’ requests.
Not only do we encourage everyone to pray, we also want to encourage everyone to submit any prayer requests to the Prayer Team so that we may intercede to God together for you.
Please use this Prayer Request Form to submit your prayer requests. You may also indicate whether you would like one of the leaders/elders to contact you.