Sunday Worship

Welcome to Cornerstone Bible Church! We look forward to having you join us for Sunday worship – it is truly the highlight of our week, as we gather together to sing, pray, and listen to the preaching of God’s Word. God sent His Son into the world to save sinners and bring them into a relationship with Himself and into fellowship with one another.

Because we love God and want to glorify Him, our aim is to listen to His Word, eager to both understand and apply. And because we love God, we want to talk to Him and sing to Him. And because we love God’s people, our brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather to encourage one another!

With our hearts overflowing with the love that God has poured into us, we remember the Apostle Paul’s encouragement in Colossians 3:16, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” This is why we can’t wait to join on Sunday morning!

And this is why we hope you’ll visit!

Service details and the pastor’s sermon study guides, can be found in the weekly bulletin.

Location and Time

Sundays at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. at 112 E Walnut Ave., Fullerton, CA 92832

Livestream is available for our 8:30 a.m. service here.

What to Expect

Our desire is to help make your visit the best experience possible! Please stop by one of our staffed welcome table at either entrance to our building. You can find helpful information about our church and our various ministries here. We also invite you to fill out a welcome card if you’d like to be added to our church email list, share a prayer request, or connect with one of our pastors.

We would love to get to know you better and answer any questions you may have!


Please click here to view an annotated Google map for parking areas. Visitors, please feel free to park in one of the spots marked as "Visitors Parking" right in front the church building.

Children in Service

We love having children join their parents during the worship service. We believe that having children in service with us is an important part of children growing up in a Christian home. As they become older, their ability to understand God’s Word will grow. But from the youngest ages, they’ll see how seriously their parents take the weekly meeting of God’s people, where parents sing wholeheartedly, pray passionately and listen to God’s Word eagerly. By being in church with us, our kids get to see how much we love church!

We know that it can take time to adjust to having kids in service. If you have any questions about how to help your child get used to being in service, we’d love to spend time with you answering your questions. Some practical suggestions are in the second half of the following article: “The Family: Together in God’s Presence.” You can also hear our senior pastor Joshua Mack and his wife Marda discuss cultivating this discipline in the second half of this episode of the pastor's podcast.

Childcare (under 5 years)

Childcare for infants through age 5 is available during both worship services. Additionally, we have an infants room for nursing mothers with a livestream of the service.

  • Infant Pebbles: Birth to 1 y.o.
  • Little Pebbles: 1 y.o. (or walkers) – 3 y.o.
  • Big Pebbles: 3 y.o. (potty-trained) – 5 y.o.

Children's Ministry (K–6)

While we encourage parents to bring their children with them to worship service, Cornerstone Bible Church also has the privilege of offering a Children’s Ministry for Kindergarten through Sixth Grade during second service (10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.).

Other Sunday Events

  • Communion: Once a month, we partake in communion during Sunday worship service. Please remember communion is only for believers who are seeking to please Him.
  • Evening Service: On the third Sunday of each month, we enjoy gathering together for dinner, followed by our service. All are welcome!