Announcements and Order of Service - Sunday, October 1, 2023

Preparing to Hear from God’s Word

Link to Sermon Study Guide


Missions Highlight October 8

Missions Highlight. Join us on October 8th, 12:30-1:30 p.m. as we learn about Gospel ministry needs in India and Alaska. There will be a presentation by Selwyn Christian and Honest Macwan (India) and Doug and Ardis Brown (native peoples of Alaska). Light refreshments will be provided.

Women of the Word. October 14th, for ladies 12 and up. Join us for a time of encouragement and fellowship as we continue our study in what it means to be “In Christ.” Light refreshments will be provided.

Kids in Service. Last week, Pastor Isaiah explained why we have kids sitting in service with their parents. Here are some interesting articles, along with some help for parents: “The Family: Together in God’s Presence” and “Why We Embrace Children in our Worship Service

October Missions Spotlight: Azerbaijan

October Missions Spotlight. People of Azerbaijan. Please see the Missions Board and Bulletin for more information and prayer requests.

Food Pak Ministry. Are you interested in serving in a mercy ministry for children and families in need? Our church has partnered with children’s hunger fund to provide food paks to families at risk. More importantly it is an opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ! Please contact Francis Orejudos for more information

Life Groups. God’s people meeting in homes to share a meal and fellowship. Meet once or twice a month across Orange County. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos.

Transformation Group. These are small groups designed to help each other grow in Christ through prayer, time in God's Word, and accountability. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos.

Ministry Highlight: Ushers

Ministry Highlight: Ushers. Looking for volunteers! Contact Huey Dang for more information.

Church-Wide Prayer @ 9 AM

Join in praying for God’s people and for the advance of God’s Kingdom! If you have any requests you’d like the church to pray for, please contact us.

Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 10:30 AM
