While we encourage parents to bring their children with them to Sunday worship service, Cornerstone Bible Church also has the privilege of offering a Children’s Ministry for Kindergarten through Sixth Grade during the second worship service (10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.).
Children’s Ministry at CBC exists to complement parents’ obedience in bringing up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.1 While parents are speaking and teaching the truth of God’s Word to children all day,2 Children’s Ministry is a unique opportunity in which parents allow God’s people to affirm God’s truth and proclaim God’s wonders in an age-appropriate, biblically-clear way that complements the truth children hear at home during the week. By God’s grace, the children of CBC will be blessed seeing that God’s people have the same passion as their parents for “the glorious deeds of the Lord and the wonders that He has done”.3
By the end of their time in Children’s Ministry, we want each child to have worked through God’s redemptive plan – from Creation in Genesis to Jesus’ Return and Reign on Earth in Revelation. While we won’t look at every verse in Scripture, we want to strengthen a foundation for a lifetime of learning and responding to God’s Word. Our commitment is that Children’s Ministry workers understand what God is communicating in each morning’s passage and how God wants us to respond. We also sing, memorize verses, explain Bible doctrine, learn about our missionaries, do activities that reinforce the lesson, and for older children, have small group discussions.
Your children are welcome to attend Children’s Ministry when you are visiting, and parents are welcome to sit in on a Sunday morning to see what we’re teaching. To arrange a visit, please contact Isaiah Mackler (isaiahmackler@gmail.com).