Weekly Bible Studies

Please see Church Center for the upcoming schedule.

Thursday Book Study

Online, Thursdays, 12–1 p.m., starting January 23.

For this week's reading, please go here.

Starting January 23rd, we will be meeting on Thursdays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. and discussing sermons from Thomas Goodwin on Ephesians 1:1-14. I'll be asking that you read about 6 pages a day to be ready for our talks. That's doable. It won't be light reading however. But it will be life transforming reading. It is some of the greatest material ever written on the book of Ephesians.

I know our lives are busy, but if there's any way you can make time to read Goodwin with us, I promise it will be worth it. He will help you understand and enjoy Paul. He will help you see the beauty of Christ in ways you may not have before. He will give you beautiful thoughts to think. He will help you grow deeper and more substantial.

If you need any more motivation, listen to what one theologian has said about these sermons:

"...Not even Luther on the Galatians is such an exposition of Paul’s mind and heart as is Goodwin on the Ephesians. I never open this great volume that I do not recall the words of my dear old friend, John More of Woolwich, who said on one public occasion that he owed all his divinity to Goodwin on the Ephesians."

And we can get all this for free! The PDF for this book can be found here:
Commentary on Ephesians 1-2 by Thomas Goodwin


Virtual Sunday Sermon Discussion

Sundays, 8–9 p.m. Join in on the discussion with Pastor Joshua.