Members’ Meeting, Announcements and Order of Service - Sunday, March 19, 2023


Every Sunday, we want to leave our morning of worshiping together with our hearts unified.

We want to be unified around the truth of the Gospel proclaimed in HIs Word. We want to be unified in our love for one another. We want to share unity by singing to God together and by reminding each other of truth we hold precious by singing true songs. And we want all of us to leave with the same passion to tell the hope of Jesus to a lost world.

But that kind of unity shouldn’t be unique to Cornerstone Bible Church. Every biblical church should partake of that same unity.

There is, though, a unity that we can share as a local body, a unity specific to our church. Our church is a unique makeup of unique believers with unique skills, unique burdens, unique passions, unique opportunities and unique relationships. God has placed Cornerstone Bible Church in Fullerton, Orange County, California, United States, on this planet in 2023 because He has a unique work for us to do…as a church.

Our Members’ Meeting is where we who’ve committed to one another learn what work God is leading us toward right now so that we can spur one another on toward love and good works. We won’t talk about everything every member is doing. Or even all that the church is doing. We won’t even get close. (And that’s good, because God is doing a lot among you and through you! We’d definitely run out of time!) But we’ll seek to have our hearts calibrated to beat in unity as a local church, as we learn how to pray together for how God is advancing HIs kingdom through the corporate “us”… in this time and place God has providentially brought us.

If you’re a member, please plan on attending our quarterly meeting. If you’re not a member, you’re also welcome to attend so you can hear how the heart of CBC is beating. Here are a few of the topics we plan on covering.

  • Testimonies (including an opportunity for you to share!)
  • Review of CBC Membership Covenant
  • Learning from God’s Word
  • Online Directory
  • Summer Opportunities: Alaska, VBS, Roots Retreat
  • Missions Update
  • Transformation Group Update
  • Building Update
  • Serving Opportunities

We do have one small way that you can prepare for the members’ meeting. Will you please review the membership covenant before coming? Before coming, we’d like each of our members to answer the following two questions to help with our discussion:

  • What one portion stood out to you in a positive way? (Maybe because it was encouraging, because you needed the reminder, or because you just liked the way it was worded…)

  • If there was one portion you could change, what would it be? Why? (Maybe something was difficult to understand, or you’re not sure if it's biblical, or it's just awkwardly wordered…)

Because of the member’s meeting (12:30–2:30 p.m.), we won’t be having Equipping Hour or Children’s Ministry this week. We’ve also rescheduled our membership class to begin on March 26th.

Look forward to seeing you there!



Men’s Ministry. Tomorrow, March 18th at 7:30 a.m. Polus Ting will be leading our ongoing discussion on masculinity. (The breakfast may not be Jim’s breakfast… but it will still be breakfast!)

Communion and Church Lunch. This Sunday, we’ll remember Jesus’ death in our place by partaking of the Lord’s Supper. We will also enjoy church lunch together (tamales). While everyone is invited to stay for lunch, please do not partake of the Lord’s Supper if you are not a believer walking in obedience to Him.

Members’ Meeting. March 19th, 12:30–2:30 p.m. There will be no Equipping Hour because we will have our quarterly member’s meeting after communion lunch (tamales). Members please plan on being there; guests are welcome to stay. We’re planning on finishing earlier than last time! More details to come.

Membership Class. March 26th, 9 a.m. If you are curious about membership at CBC, don’t miss the first week of our membership class! Anyone is welcome. The class will meet at 9am in the Upper Room. (For those wishing to continue in the membership process, the class will last eight weeks.) Questions? Please email James Lee (

Transformation Groups Celebration. March 26th, 6 p.m.

Pre-Service Prayer will not be meeting for the next 3 Sundays. Please join us on April 9th in the upper room, 8:15-8:45 a.m.

Women of the Word. Ladies, join us on April 1st at 9 a.m. as we continue to study the lives of the women from the Bible and their great God. Guests and students 7th grade and up are welcome.

Missions Spotlight. This month, we are praying for the Hazara people in Afghanistan. Please visit the missions board for a prayer card and let's pray for the Gospel to reach the Hazaras.

Biblical Friendship Podcast. A podcast series with the elders of Cornerstone Bible Church on the book "The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship" by Jonathan Holmes, where they discuss topics related to biblical friendship, including the theology of friendship, its marks, threats, and the purpose of friendship in the local church.

Online Church Directory. We're launching a new online directory through Planning Center! Hopefully this will be a useful tool for building relationships and more effectively loving one another in the church. Please use the links below to opt-in and select what information is shown.

Cornerstone Bible Institute. Wednesdays at 7–8 p.m. Join us as we continue to learn how to benefit from our Old Testament reading. Anyone is welcome! Pastor’s Joshua’s teaching and resources can be found at the church website as well.

Studying and Teaching the Bible (Women). This summer the women of the church are invited to join a study focused on the fundamental principles for studying and teaching the Bible. On Thursday evenings in June and July, we will meet for 8 weeks to go through the First Principles Women's Course produced by the Simeon Trust. There will be 2-3 hours of homework each week; during our time together we will discuss the homework and then break into small groups to share the fruit of our study. For more information or to sign up please email Jessie Eng.

Vacation Bible School. Children’s Ministry Event, June 26–29 (Evenings) For Kids entering Transitional Kindergarten to 6th Grade in the Fall of 2023.

Alaska Short Term Ministry. July 11–23.

Roots Summer Retreat. Junior High and High School. July 28–31

No Equipping Hour

Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 10:30 AM