Pastor Joshua’s Letter, Announcements, and Order of Service - Sunday, April 9, 2023


What if you knew God’s plan for the future history of the world before it happened?

Do you think that would help you?

It didn’t totally help the apostles at first, because they didn’t really understand it. They knew that Jesus was the Christ, but they were confused about how He was going to accomplish His work as the Messiah. In the passage we are going to look at this Sunday, we are going to find Jesus explaining what was going to happen and why.

It did clearly help Jesus though. Why? Not only did he understand what the Old Testament taught about how God would accomplish salvation through the Messiah, He believed it! I wonder if you’ve ever thought about how much faith it took Jesus as a man to believe that God would do for the Messiah exactly what He promised He would? He not only had to believe that God would raise Him from the dead, He had to believe that God would accept His suffering and death as the atonement for all of our sins. In a culture that was saying the Messiah was going to accomplish salvation a certain way, Jesus had to boldly believe the Scriptures even though the plan the prophets revealed would involve Him being crucified.

As we look at Jesus’ explanation of what had to happen for Him to accomplish the work God gave Him as the Messiah in Luke 9:21–22, I’m praying our study of God’s Word will help us see God’s plan for Jesus in the Old Testament more clearly and that the Holy Spirit will use the truth to help us believe it the way our Savior did so that we will be able to live our lives truly enjoying the privilege God’s given us in revealing His plan to us.

I can’t wait.

Come praying!


Parents: For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word: “Messiah”. To encourage them, Marda will have some treats afterward.


Communion and Church Lunch. Next Sunday, April 16th.

Missions Committee Meeting. April 16th, 8–9:30 p.m. via video chat. If you are interested in learning more about missions or would like to help support our missionaries, join us for the next Missions Committee meeting. Zoom link will be provided separately. Questions? Please contact Hyon Seo.

Missions Spotlight. This month, we are praying for the People of Japan. Check out the Missions Board for additional prayer cards.

Men’s Breakfast. April 22nd, 7:30 a.m. Tom Ferko will be leading our discussion on being ambitious for the right things. Jim Bitong will be back on breakfast!

Membership Class. The class meets on Sundays at 9 a.m. in the Infants Room. (Week 3 of 8. For those wishing to continue in the membership process, the class will last eight weeks.) Questions? Please contact James Lee.

Transformation Group. These are small groups designed to help each other grow in Christ through prayer, time in God's Word, and accountability. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, please contact Francis Orejudos. Look out for details about sign-ups soon!

Cornerstone Bible Institute. Please join us on April 12th as we continue to learn how to benefit from our Old Testament reading. Anyone is welcome! Pastor’s Joshua’s teaching and resources can be found here as well.

Studying and Teaching the Bible (Women). This summer the women of the church are invited to join a study focused on the fundamental principles for studying and teaching the Bible. We will meet on Mondays from 7:30–9:30 p.m. to go through the First Principles Women's Course produced by the Simeon Trust (June 5, 12, 19; July 10, 17, 24, 31; August 7). There will be 2–3 hours of homework each week; during our time together we will discuss the homework and then break into small groups to share the fruit of our study. For more information or to sign up please email Jessie Eng.

Church Calendar. Have you ever thought, “It would be nice to have a church calendar.” Well, we have one of those!. Please let us know if you have ideas how to improve!

Biblical Friendship Podcast. A podcast series with the elders of Cornerstone Bible Church on the book "The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship" by Jonathan Holmes, where they discuss topics related to biblical friendship, including the theology of friendship, its marks, threats, and the purpose of friendship in the local church.

Online Church Directory. We're launching a new online directory through Planning Center! Hopefully this will be a useful tool for building relationships and more effectively loving one another in the church. Please use the links below to opt-in and select what information is shown.

Pre-Service Prayer. Sunday mornings in the upper room (except the first Sunday of the month), 8:15-8:45am.

Vacation Bible School. Children’s Ministry Event, June 26–29 (Evenings) For Kids entering Transitional Kindergarten to 6th Grade in the Fall of 2023.

Roots Summer Retreat. Save the dates! Junior High and High School. July 28–31.

Equipping Hour @ 9:00 AM

The Conclusion of Overcoming Anger Series.

New series starts next week: Handling Conflicts to God’s Glory.

Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 10:30 AM