Weekly Newsletter | February 2, 2025

Sunday Service, 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 3

Worship Songs:

Sermon: Joshua Mack - Part 2: A Singular Delight (Hebrews 10:19-25)

Livestream @ 8:30 AM Sermon Study Guide

Coming Up

Women of the Word – Service Day
Please join us for our February Women of the Word meeting! We are excited to host a service day, helping various ministries in our body prepare for the family retreat. There won't be a speaker, but there will be food and fellowship. Ladies 12 years and older are welcome. For additional details and to RSVP click HERE.

Strengthening Marriage Class
Strengthening Marriage Class will be meeting on February 9 during second service in the Maverick Theater for a time of teaching (Role of the Wives) and small group discussion. Any married or engaged couples are welcome to attend this monthly class. Questions? Contact Albert Low.

Short-term Missions
This year, our church has the opportunity to participate in 3 short-term missions trips: Malawi/South Africa, Alaska, and Czech Republic. Would you consider joining one of the STM teams this year to learn, grow, and enlarge your heart for missions? For additional details, please click HERE.

Churchwide Retreat
Our church retreat is always a special time of extended fellowship with the church body and growingver in the Lord’s truths. The theme this year: “The Gospel – Our Theology and our Ethics. Everything a Christian needs to know about life he did not learn in kindergarten. He learned it at the foot of the cross.”

Day registration is now available with all meals and activities included:

  • 1-Day Registration (Saturday OR Sunday)
  • 2-Day Registration (Saturday AND Sunday)

Take advantage of Pre-Check-In Sundays to speed up your check-in process for retreat on February 2 & 9, in between worship services, next to the welcome tent- turn in your forms, sign up to serve, and select your afternoon activities. If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Wang. Forms and registration can be found HERE. Click HERE for volunteer sign up.

Sunday Service on Retreat Weekend
For those who will not be at our retreat site on February 16, there will be one worship service held at our church building (112 East Walnut) at 10:30 a.m.

CBC Missions Conference
Registration for our 4th Annual Missions Conference is now open! Come hear and be encouraged as we grow in our understanding of the Great Commission. Click HERE for more information and to register.

Sunday Morning Prayer. Sundays, 8:00–8:20 a.m.
All are welcome before service in the Upper Room for a time of corporate prayer!

Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer need, we would love to be praying for you. Please submit your requests to the CBC Prayer Team HERE.

Virtual Sunday Sermon Discussion. Sundays, 8–9 p.m.
Join in on the discussion with Pastor Joshua HERE.

Lunch Time Book Study. Thursdays, 12–1 p.m.
Join us for our new online book study led by Pastor Joshua. For additional details, please click HERE.

Wednesday night bible study will resume at a later date.

Book Table
Our Book Table is stocked with recommended reads by Pastor Joshua! Book selections include biographies, devotionals and modernized Puritan books.