Weekly Newsletter | January 19, 2025

Sunday Service, 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 1

Worship Songs:

Sermon: Joshua Mack - The Empowered Church (Acts 2:42–47)

Livestream @ 8:30 AM Sermon Study Guide

Coming Up

Evening Service
Our Evening Service will be held this Sunday at 6pm; for those who have RSVP’d, dinner (fried chicken and sides) will be provided 5:00–5:45 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Nikki Seo.

This Sunday we will remember Jesus’ death in our place by partaking of the Lord’s Supper. Please remember that the Lord’s Supper is only for believers who are seeking to please Him.

Churchwide Retreat
Our church retreat is always a special time of extended fellowship with the church body and growing in the Lord’s truths. The theme this year: “The Gospel- Our Theology and our Ethics. Everything a Christian needs to know about life he did not learn in kindergarten. He learned it at the foot of the cross.”

Day Registration options are now available for Retreat:

  • 1-Day Registration (Saturday OR Sunday)
  • 2-Day Registration (Saturday AND Sunday)
    **Meals and activities are included

We will also be offering two Pre-Check In Sundays (2/2 and 2/9) between services to speed up your check-in process at retreat. Come turn in all your forms and sign up to serve and for activities! If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Wang. Forms and registration can be found HERE.

Lunch Time Book Study. Thursdays, 12–1 p.m.
Join us for our new online book study led by Pastor Joshua. For additional details, please click HERE.

Men’s Breakfast
All men are welcome for a time of teaching, food, and fellowship on January 25 at 7:30am. To help with food planning, please RSVP HERE by January 22.

Sunday Morning Prayer. Sundays, 8:00–8:20 a.m.
All are welcome before service in the Upper Room for a time of corporate prayer!

Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer need, we would love to be praying for you. Please submit your requests to the CBC Prayer Team HERE.

Virtual Sunday Sermon Discussion will resume January 26.

Wednesday night bible study will resume at a later date.

A Few Minutes with a Puritan Podcast

A note from Pastor Joshua:

“I know sometimes reading books from a few hundred years ago can be difficult. But I personally have been so encouraged by the way these authors help us meditate on the Scripture and the Christian life, put Jesus and His glory on display, and help us live as citizens of heaven here on earth. So I am slowly reading through some really helpful old books on the Christian life and making comments and applications which I think could be beneficial to others in the church.”

Click HERE to listen to the podcast!