Worship Service - May 9, 2021


It’s almost Mother’s Day.

It’s a great privilege to be a mom. And responsibility! There’s a lot for you to do, but there are few things you can do that are more important than discipling your children.

Even though it’s Mother’s Day -- and please know, we celebrate you mothers! -- this Sunday, we’ll be talking about our mission as a church. But our mission as a church has some things in common with your mission as a mom. In fact, theologians have described the church as being like our mother. For example, John Calvin says, “The church is our mother, inasmuch as God has committed to her the kind of office of bringing us up in the faith until we attain full age.”

In other words, like a mother, the church disciples.

This is our mission: we glorify God by making disciples who make disciples who make disciples.


That’s an important question for moms and for every member of the church.

How do we disciple others?

We’re going to look at 8 things we can learn from Paul’s example in 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2 so that we can effectively fulfill one of our absolute most important responsibilities as mothers, fathers, and church members.

Come ready! Come expectant! Come praying!



One of the best places to learn how to disciple is in the home. We pray you are training up future disciplers.

One way you can do that is by using Sunday services effectively. Here are some suggestions that came to mind that may help you do that.

Before you come:

  1. A good Sunday service usually starts on Saturday evening. Help your children prepare for Sunday by getting enough rest by going to bed at a good time on Saturday.

  2. Have your plan for Sunday morning and communicate it well, both what you are doing and why. “Hey kids, tomorrow is a big day. We are going to worship God! Can you believe we get to do this? It’s awesome. So let’s get to bed in good time. (Maybe even take your bath on Saturday night?) What is your outfit for tomorrow? Let’s get that laid out. We’re hoping to get to church in good time so we can find our seats, and sit down and prepare for singing, so we’ll try to get up at …”
    (All of that may be too obvious, but please be patient with me. I’m just trying to be helpful.)

  3. If you can, Fathers, maybe you can be the first up and first ready, and even make a special breakfast because it’s Mother’s Day.

  4. Have your children pray at breakfast or on the way for the Sunday service. Ask for some of their favorite worship songs and sing them together on the way to church.

  5. Pray God helps you be joyful and excited about hearing from God and worshiping God. Kids imitate.

When you are there:

  1. This Sunday, my outline should be pretty clear. It’s 8 characteristics of an effective discipler. So for your older children, you might ask them to try to take notes and see how many of the characteristics they can write down.

  2. For children that may have a harder time doing that, you can ask them to write down the PowerPoints as notes.

  3. And then for children that need a word to listen for, this Sunday I will be saying the word Paul an awful lot.

  4. When they come up for candy, if they are old enough, either Marda or I will ask them, what is one way a person can disciple someone else? So you can let them know we will ask that question and if they want, they can get ready.

Sometime after you leave:

  1. Since one of the characteristics of a discipler is telling the gospel, why don’t you take some time to tell the gospel to your children this week? Or if you think they know it, ask them to share the gospel with you.

  2. Another characteristic of a discipler is that he’s looking for ways God is working and seeking to encourage. What can you encourage your children about this week? I understand your children may not be believers. But, there is common grace. So you might look for a way in which at least externally they are doing something well, and say something like,

    “I see you are being kind to your sister. That pleases Daddy, because God wants us to be kind. Do you know why it’s important to be kind?”

    And then you have an opportunity to share the gospel. And you know, God’s at work in your children’s lives as well. So if you see your children doing something well, commend it, whether the motive was good or not, the act was in line with what God says is good, and you are teaching them what is commendable and right by encouraging it, and plus, you can use the opportunity to get to their hearts by saying something like,

    “Wow. That was pretty amazing. You really listened to God’s Word this Sunday so well. I wonder, what do you think enabled you to do that?”

    And then they give their answer. And you might say,

    “You know, I sometimes have a hard time listening. But, when I am having a hard time I try to remember…”

    and then you give them real biblical reasons for listening to God’s Word. You get the idea. Certainly you also want to give your children the example of being encouraging to one another as husband and wife. So look for what God’s doing in your spouse’s life and praise God by encouraging your spouse in front of your children.

There’s more! But I think I used my word limit already and I’ll be going on too long if I keep giving ideas. Looking it over now, I am not sure it’s all amazing. But, I am just trying to give some ideas that quickly come to mind as possible examples. I am sure you have good ideas of your own already.

more details


  • There will be no Children’s Ministry Zoom meeting this Sunday, May 9th (Mother’s Day).

  • We're starting a new Security Team and is recruiting adult male members to join. An info meeting will be held on May 9th at 10AM (between services). Please speak with Joe Sanchez if you are interested.

  • The next CBC prayer meeting will be on Sunday, May 16th at 6pm. (The elders understand that Children’s Ministry Zoom meets at the same time. We know you can only be in one place at a time. That’s ok!)

  • Mark your calendars for the next Women of the Word gathering! Saturday, June 5, 9 a.m.