Worship Service - September 19, 2021


How important is it that a pastor is committed to using his gift in the local church?

I doubt many people would argue whether it’s important pastors are committed to using their gifts in the church. But how important is it that you actively minister in the local church? What kind of priority should serving in the church take in your life? And why?

Some people think pastors and elders are called to do the work of the church, but this Sunday, we are going to look at the book of Ephesians, and see that in reality, they are called to equip you to do the work of the church.

Specifically, I want you to see why it is so important that every single member is actively using their gifts to minister to others here at Cornerstone. I hope you walk away encouraged that God is doing something big in history through the church and challenged by the part He’s given you in accomplishing that mission.

Come ready! Come expectant! Come praying!



It’s been a couple weeks now since we had our family meeting about some changes in our structures this upcoming year. To recap:

Here’s a basic plan we have for the year ahead to help equip you to follow Jesus and to help you help others follow Jesus this year.

  1. Teaching God’s Word
    • Sunday Sermons
      • Luke

      • Various Series

        • E.G. Gospel Culture
    • Growth Classes
      • Currently:
        • Systematic Theology
        • Bible Reading Project
      • Upcoming:
        • Discipleship Training
        • (Potentially a Sermon Discussion Group)
    • Children’s Ministry/Roots
    • Monthly Opportunities
      • Men’s Ministry
      • Women’s Ministry
    • Yearly Opportunities
      • Retreats
  2. Prayer!
    • Always praying individually.
    • But currently we are coming together for the purpose of expressing our dependence on God corporately on the second Sunday evening of every month from 6-730.
  3. Facilitating Relationships
    • Life on Life Groups
      • Twice a month or so
      • Meals together
      • For enjoying one another and developing friendships and practicing one anothers
      • Provide opportunity to invite unbelievers in or baby believers in to see Christian friendships in action
  4. More Structured Discipleship Opportunity
    • Transformation Groups
      • These are smaller groups of 3-4 people
      • You sign up to be a part of one of these groups
      • They meet about twice a month to give you the opportunity to develop deeper friendships where you can speak into each other’s lives specifically, hold each other accountable, and basically help each other grow and change to be more like Jesus.
      • We are hoping to begin these in 2022. We’ll begin doing some discipleship training to prepare for these groups at the end of this year.
  5. Promoting a Culture of Biblical Friendships
    • So you don’t need to be in a group to disciple or be discipled. This is really what should happen in just normal Christian friendship.
      • We want to celebrate these kinds of friendships and help everyone in the church pursue them. Essentially, we want everyone to have someone wise who is speaking into their life and to be someone wise who is able to speak into someone else’s life.
      • Obviously, you don’t need permission to pursue these kinds of friendships! Because Jesus actually commands us to in Matthew 28.

And, there’s more I am sure. But these are some of the things we talked about last family meeting, and that we are working on right now. Please continue to be praying that God will be at work and enable us to really do the work of Ephesians 4 through these simple opportunities we are putting in place.


I’ve included some things in the sermon brief document that I think will help you and your children benefit from the message this Sunday. Check them out. Print out what’s helpful. Or perhaps you can come up with a better plan yourself. For the younger children this Sunday, you can have them listen for the word, gifts. To encourage them, my wife Marda will have some treats afterward.

Every blessing,


Sunday Morning Worship Service @ 9 a.m.