
Joshua Mack

I am so happy to be a Christian. It's a miracle! When I was a young man, God enabled me to see that my best works were filled with self-righteousness and pride. While that was discouraging, it led me to the cross, where God revealed both His justice and mercy to me. I saw my sin was worse than I thought it was. I came to know I desperately needed a Savior and that Jesus was the only Savior for sinners. God gave me faith in His Son and hatred for my sin and turned my life upside down!

Now I get to serve him as a pastor. Though growing up, I definitely didn’t want to be one. I struggled with the fear of man and hated standing up in front of people. But in my senior year of high school, I worked as a security guard in a chicken factory. There wasn’t much to do, so I sat in a tiny security guard shack and read the Bible. There I developed an overwhelming desire to know God’s Word better and to be equipped to teach it to others. So, I moved to California and studied at the Master’s University and became part of Grace Community Church, where I was discipled, trained, ordained and sent out. After having served as a missionary in South Africa for many years, I joined the team at Cornerstone Bible Church in the beginning of 2021.

God’s been very kind to me. Besides saving me and allowing me to serve him, he's given me a very sweet wife and many children whom I love dearly. (Just ask, and I will tell you all about them!) My goal in life is to know and enjoy God as much as I possibly can, be holy, grow in my love for people, preach in a way that makes God happy, develop deep biblical friendships with others, and help the local church be faithful to its calling.

Huey Dang

Having grown up in the church and even attending Christian school through Jr. High, God saved me by His grace around 1992 through the college ministry of Grace Community Church (UCLA Grace on Campus - Go Bruins!). I learned that I was an even worse sinner than I thought and that God, because of His great love with which He loved us (Eph 2:4), provided not only the payment for my sin through the death of Jesus Christ (1 Tim 2:6), but also the imputed righteousness of Christ through His life and resurrection (2 Cor 5:21; Rom 1:16-17)

I became a member of CBC in 2001. By God's grace, I met my wife, Susan, here at CBC and after some persistence and much prayer from many people, she finally said "yes". We were married in 2006 and have been blessed with 3 children. I grew up in the Placentia/Yorba Linda area and work as a Family Medicine Physician and Residency Teaching Faculty in Anaheim & Santa Ana.

The Lord has blessed me with many opportunities to serve and learn about the ministry of the gospel (in spite of, or even through many struggles with my own pride and sinfulness). Whether it has been in the Nursery, Care Group, Bible Study, Missions, Youth Ministry, Administration, or even now as a servant-elder -- it has always been my joy and privilege to serve the Lord and His body.

Isaiah Mackler

By God's grace, I was born into a home where the Gospel was the main thing. My parents modeled a love for the Lord and His Word, an urgency to share the Gospel and a commitment to do what Jesus said. God granted me repentance and faith in the work of Christ on my behalf at a young age.

In 2000, I married my wife Melissa in Columbus, Ohio. During our first year of marriage, the Lord used many circumstances to bring me to The Master's Seminary in Sun Valley, California. Following graduation, we moved to Spokane, Washington to serve at Faith Bible Church. I was blessed to be hired as Youth Pastor in 2007 and then became the Family and Children's Ministry Pastor in 2011. While in Spokane, the Lord answered the prayer of many saints and gave us our two daughters, Margo (adopted in 2010) and Norah (adopted in 2013).

At the end of 2016, I was brought on by the elders of Cornerstone Bible Church to serve as the Associate Pastor. Since moving to Orange County, we have been overwhelmed by the kindness Cornerstone Bible Church has shown us. As new members, we can testify to Cornerstone being a place where the elders model humility and sacrifice, the saints take God's Word seriously and the church loves one another deeply.

Evan Nagayama

I started attending Cornerstone Bible Church in 2009 shortly after the Lord saved me. Growing up I didn’t attend church consistently and I lived in rebellion against the Lord. During my first year of college the Lord drew me to Himself and saved me through the preaching of the Word and a friend sharing the gospel with me. I was convicted of my sinfulness and trusted in Christ alone for salvation. My wife, Caroline, was saved later the same year and the Lord redeemed our relationship. We were married in 2014 and the Lord has gifted us with three boys.

Since coming to the church in 2009 I have learned so much from the preaching of the Word along with the example of godly saints. The Lord has graciously matured me and I look forward to continuing to grow. I currently work as a nurse in the hospital and attend seminary online at Southern Seminary. Our family is planning to serve the Lord in missions by joining a church planting team in Tokyo, Japan. It’s a joy to serve our church that Christ died for and that we love so much!

Francis Orejudos

I believe God saved me when He exposed me to the truth of His Word in 1996. Seven years later in 2003 God brought my wife, Jennifer, and I to Cornerstone where the preaching of the Word continues to have an indelible impact on my soul. Since coming to CBC we have had four children - Maia, Cameron, Cole, and Selah.

I have been greatly blessed to serve CBC in various ministries, from our Premarital Ministry to Children's Ministry, and most recently as an elder. It is a profound testament to God's grace and mercy that wretched sinner like me could be used to minister Christ in any capacity.

I was born and raised in Cypress and now our family lives in Buena Park. My day job is as a business consultant in the healthcare industry. My greatest joys are to be married to my wife, a father to my kids, and most of all a son of God. I am thankful for the tremendous privilege it is to serve Christ and His church.

Hyon Seo

I have been attending CBC since 2005 and was appointed as a lay elder in December 2012. God has blessed me with an amazing wife, Nikki, and 4 beautiful children. I currently live in Yorba Linda and work as an Internal Medicine Hospitalist physician in Orange County. I grew up in So Cal, but I've also lived in the east coast in the Washington DC area for 7 years and also 4 years on the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona.

God saved me when I was 15 years old at a church youth retreat. And since that time, God has continued to show me the amazing truth of His grace and goodness through Christ.

Here at CBC, I've learned and grown through faithful expository preaching of God's Word in the scriptures and teachings of God's amazing grace in the Gospel. I love CBC and it is my privilege to serve our church.

Clifton Stewart

I was born and raised into a godly family in Vancouver, Canada. In my teenage and early college years, I desired to follow Christ but struggled to fight sin for years. In my college years I learned about the sovereignty of God, learning that all of life was about God, and that He would bring goodness and growth as I centered my life on Him. I also realized that His sovereign hand had led me to Himself, and He had promised to save and sanctify me before time even began. Since the power of the Spirit convicted and encouraged my heart to understand this, I was radically changed from the inside out, and I turned my life fully towards what the Lord desired for my life.

I felt drawn into ministry at the end of college (2016) as I observed the need for gospel-centered churches and leaders in Canada. I prayed for God to raise up leaders, until I realized I could respond to the call myself. I then enrolled at the Master’s Seminary in Sun Valley, California for four years, as well as serving in the "Foundation" Young Adults ministry at Grace Community Church (part of 'Crossroads' College ministry). That is also where I met my wonderful wife Ashley in the Fall of 2017. We have been doing ministry together since we met, and were married in 2021.

I joined Cornerstone Bible Church as part of the Youth Ministry in June of 2020, and have loved this church and serving it. Besides knowing Christ and living with my wife, my greatest privilege is to talk about the gospel with teenagers, and serving alongside our wonderful spiritual family and servants of Christ at CBC. I love reading, writing, film, and jokes--but most of all talking about how Christ is King and how He changes our hearts. My future prayer is to find an opportunity to do ministry in Canada, whether supporting the local church or church planting, if the Lord provides an opportunity to return.