
We offer a seven-week class for those who want to learn more about our church or to become members.

Please contact us for more information.

Membership Covenant

What is a covenant?

There are lots of covenants in the Bible. This is not one of them. We are using the word covenant here to describe a relational commitment you are making to God and to others when you become a member at Cornerstone Bible Church.

Why do we have a church covenant?

A church covenant is a means of helping us be clear about what we are committing to when we commit to a local church and reminding ourselves about some of our most important priorities as members.

We know that we can’t fulfill any of these commitments apart from God’s work in us. We know that keeping these commitments is not a way for us to earn God’s favor. We are talking about these commitments because of the great work God’s already done in us and for us through His Son Jesus. Though we weren’t seeking God, He sought us and saved us and changed us and made us part of His family. He’s given us a mission and a big part of how we fulfill that mission is by committing ourselves to a local church.

What are members committing to?

As members of Cornerstone Bible Church:

  1. Our main priority will be to honor God in everything we do.
  2. We will refuse to trust in our own efforts for salvation but instead believe the promises God has made and rely on Jesus alone for peace with God.
  3. We will work at properly interpreting, believing and obeying whatever Scripture says recognizing it as God’s inerrant Word and the ultimate authority in our church and lives.
  4. We will make growing in love for God and others a matter of greatest importance in our lives.
  5. We will each prioritize listening to God in His Word and talking to Him in prayer on a regular basis.
  6. We will not neglect our responsibility to meet together, but will deliberately order our lives so that we can be a vital part of the public gatherings of the church for worship and fellowship.
  7. We will obey God's command to be baptized as believers and to remember His death through celebrating communion together.
  8. We will gather together with our church family on Sundays to work together for the advancement of the gospel through corporate prayer.
  9. We commit to being patient, kind, tender-hearted, and forgiving others as God in Christ has forgiven us.
  10. We will seek to use and develop the gifts God has given us for the spiritual good of others.
  11. We will say no to sinful desires and discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness.
  12. We will not hide our sin but instead will seek to confess and forsake it. We recognize the fight will be very difficult and we will often need help from others. We commit to being appropriately transparent and asking for help from godly people in our church when we need it.
  13. We will seek to help others grow by intentionally developing spiritual friendships. We will encourage each other when we are obeying God and we commit to confronting one another in love according to the principles laid out in Scripture when one of us is disobeying God.*
  14. We recognize our own need to receive correction or rebuke with humility and submit ourselves to His plan for dealing with sin as described in passages like Matthew 18.
  15. We will encourage each other with the gospel.
  16. We will go into the world and proclaim the gospel in reliance on God’s Spirit.
  17. We will build relationships with the lost and seek to help them take steps towards knowing Jesus.
  18. We commit to giving cheerfully for the work of the church, the needs of the vulnerable, and the spread of the gospel. We will partner together to use our resources to make disciples of the nations, to care for those in need and to do good for the glory of God. We will be thankful for what God has given us, trust Him to continue to provide for us, and demonstrate that through sacrificially giving to His cause.
  19. We understand there may be a time when we leave this local church. Recognizing our commitment to the body and our own limitations, we commit to asking for counsel before making a final decision. If God does lead us to another biblical church we will let the elders and members of CBC know and unite ourselves to that church so that we can continue to serve Christ and seek His kingdom there.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.

* Specifically, we recognize any unrepentant sin in our life displayed by a willful and continued refusal to repent after being biblically confronted could potentially result in the withdrawal of our membership according to the biblical mandate and procedure set forth in Matthew 18:1-18, as well as other Scriptures.
